July 30, 2023
Dear PTA Leaders and Members,
Today California State PTA sent a letter to key leaders in the Senate and House of Representatives expressing our organization’s disappointment in the Senate's proposed federal economic stimulus package, known as the HEALS Act.
PTA does not feel that the package offers adequate funding to allow schools to reopen safely, and may in fact put students’ lives at risk by using financial incentives to encourage schools to re-open earlier than may be safe for their individual communities.
We also oppose other elements of the package, such as the proposed use of public funds for private school tuition scholarships; inadequate funding to help childcare providers reopen; inadequate funds for special education; and a lack of resources to support internet connectivity.
While we believe that another stimulus package is necessary and welcome, we feel that the HEALS Act, as it currently stands, shortchanges kids and teachers and fails to protect public education funding at the levels school experts recommend.
To read the letter in its entirety, 挂ssr加速软件.

Celia Jaffe President, California State PTA
June 30, 2023
The good news: California school funding is about the same as last year.
挂ssr加速软件 California school funding is about the same as last year.
We are pleased, in this extraordinarily challenging budget climate, that California continues to invest in children and families. However...schools still need more funding.
A big thank you to the Legislature and the Governor for adopting an education budget without severe cuts. We support and deeply appreciate the important investments in equity programs to mitigate learning loss, after-school programs, community schools, special education and the arts.
Extra costs but no extra money
Even before the pandemic, our public schools struggled to make ends meet. They now have extra costs caused by the pandemic but no extra money to pay for them. We anticipate the budget situation next year will be even more difficult.
The state is deferring payments of billions of dollars to schools and the budget is precariously balanced on the hope that the federal government will come to the rescue.
We urge the Governor and legislators to investigate additional sources of revenue. This includes specifically suspending or eliminating tax breaks that may not be meeting California’s current needs. Tax breaks reduce funding for education and other programs that support children and families.
Developing long-term funding solutions should be at the top of the agenda when the legislature returns from its summer recess.
With the quick changing and unpredictable state of the Covid-19 pandemic, MWPTA has compiled some information that can help our families stay up to date on the latest developments at the school and LAUSD.
- Make sure you have an account on the LAUSD portal and have signed up for LAUSD notices. Several have already gone out. If you have not received them, please sign up ASAP.
- CDC Coronavirus Updates
- LAUSD Coronavirus Updates
- California Department of Public Health Coronavirus Updates
- Johns Hopkins University Covid-19 Tracker
Brains On! Podcast - Understanding coronavirus and how germs spread.
挂ssr加速软件 - Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus. Go to NPR for more kid resources.
Bookmark the master calendar page and stay in the loop. Learn what the PTA is and does, and how it allocates the generous donations received from families. Suffice it to say, it’s the place to go if you’re looking for answers to questions like “How do I sign-up to receive the weekly eHowl Newsletter?” or “What after-school enrichment classes are being offered?"
Thanks, as always, for supporting your children and our unique community school on the mountain.
